Shredders, Granulators, and Knives

  • Knives and screens for all models
  • Made to OEM specs for easy installation
  • Application specific material selection
  • Heat treated for long wear and maximum toughness
  • Extensive on-hand inventory for same day shipments
  • Custom made knives made to your print and specification

Download the 2024 Virtus Catalog

Shredders, Granulators, and Knives
Shredder / Granulator Catalog

Granulator Knives and Screens granulator knives


Fly Knives
K- KEEN EDGE Single Angle (One side of cutting edge) RB – REVERSE BEVEL Double Angle (Angle on each side LOW SHEAR of cutting edge) HIGH ANGLE MOUNT HS – HIGH SHEAR Double Angle (Angle on one side of cutting edge) HIGH ANGLE MOUNT HF – HOOK FLY
Our replacement knives fit a wide variety of plastic granulators including:
Accu-Grind Alsteele Alpine Amacoil Ball & Jewell Bekum Conair Condux Corcoran Cumberland Cumberland Pelletizer Econogrind Flinchbaugh Foremost Gloucester Granutec Herbold Hydroclaim IMS L & R Mitts & Merrill Nelmor NGR Next Generation Pagani Pallman Polymer Previero Process Control Rainville Ramco Rapid Republic Retech Rotogran Royal Sorema Sprout Waldren Taylor Styles Tria Triple S Vecoplan Weima Wittmann Wortex Zeno Zerma
We offer over 1000 different granulator screens. Custom screens can be manufactured to meet your specific needs.