Thermocouples and RTDs


Industrial process thermocouples

Big Chief Offers a wide selection of industrial process thermocouples to meet the requirements of the most demanding process applications. We can offer tight quality control standards per ANSI specifications and these thermocouples are capable of handling direct immersion into high pressure or corrosive applications.

General Purpose Thermocouple

1 BC1518-38 BC1519-1
2 BC1518-39 BC1519-2
3 BC1518-42 BC1519-3

To order, specifiy catalog number, A and B length, and type J, K, T, or E. Also Specify 1/8″ or 3/16″ dia. tip.

general purpose t/c

Extension Cable Assemblies

To order, specify catalog number, B length

Terminal Style Thermocouple Dual Thermocouple
1-1 BC1538-1 BC1538-4
1-2 BC1538-2 BC1538-5
1-3 BC1538-3 BC1538-6
2-3 BC1538-7 BC1538-10
2-2 BC1538-8 BC1538-11
3-3 BC1538-9 BC1538-12
Note:Thermocouple calibration ISA standard grade type J Iron-Constantan. Dual types have dual plugs and/or jacks.


Patch Type Thermocouple

To order, specify catalog number, B length

Terminal Style S.S. Overbraid
1 BC31131-1
2 BC31131-2
3 BC31131-3

Extruder Melt Type (900° F Max)

To order, specify catalog number.

Rigid Plug Extension
Terminal Style 2
A L = “3” L = “6”
Flush BC1528-1 BC1528-6
1/4″ BC1528-2 BC1528-7
1/2″ BC1528-3 BC1528-8
3/4″ BC1528-4 BC1528-9
1″ BC1528-5 BC1528-10
Flexible Plug Extension
Terminal Style 2
A L = “3” L = “6”
Flush BC1528-21 BC1528-26
1/4″ BC1528-22 BC1528-27
1/2″ BC1528-23 BC1528-28
3/4″ BC1528-24 BC1528-29
1″ BC1528-25 BC1528-30

Adjustable Melt Bolt Thermocouple AM 100

The standard assembly consists of an 1/8″ O>D> MgO insulted type “J” thermocouple in a stainless steel sheath. The body is stainless steel with a 1/2″-20UNF-2A thread. A thermal barrier reduces heat transfer from body to thermocouple. Other parts include a packing seal, compression barrel nut, hex adjusting screw and polarized quick-disconnect male plug. Standard immersion is adjustable from flush to 1″. Standard body lengths are 3″, 4″, and 6″ measured from the beginning of wrench flats to the bolt tip. The adjustable plastic melt thermocouple has a movable probe activated by an inner screw mechanism. The probe can be immersed into or withdrawn from the plastic melt stream while the extruder is in full operation at maximum flow rates and pressures. This feature permits temperature measurement at various depths in the melt stream, eliminates thermocouple breakage at start-up, and prevents hang-up. The thermocouple is self-cleaning; as it is retracted into the body any film formed on it is scraped off.

Surface Thermocouple (900° F Max)

To order, specify catalog number, B length.

Terminal Style 13/32″ ID #10 Washer
1 BC1558-1 BC1558-17
2 BC1558-2 BC1558-18
3 BC1558-3 BC1558-19

Bayonet Mount: Adjustable Length (800° Max)

Spring Type: Stainless steel overbraided wire

Terminal Style Spring Type Thermocouple
1 BC1508-1
2 BC1508-2
3 BC1508-3
To order, specify catalog number and B length.

Are you having temperature control issues?

Identify potential costly problems by accurately determining if your thermocouples are making contact with the surface.

Bayonet Mount: Adjustable Length (800° Max)

Flex Hose Type: Stainless steel flex hose acts as spring

Terminal Style Flex Hose TypeThermocouple
1 BC1508-14
2 BC1508-15
3 BC1508-16
To order, specify catalog number and B length.

Bayonet Mount: Adjustable Length (800° Max)

45° Bend
90° Bend

To order, specify catalog number, A length, B length

Terminal Style Straight 45° Bend 90° Bend
Flex Hose S. S. Overbraid Flex Hose S. S. Overbraid Flex Hose S. S. Overbraid
1 BC1508-4 BC1508-25 BC1508-5 BC1508-26 BC1508-6 BC1508-27
2 BC1508-7 BC1508-28 BC1508-8 BC1508-29 BC1508-9 BC1508-30
3 BC1508-10 BC1508-31 BC1508-11 BC1508-32 BC1508-12 BC1508-33

Compression Fitting Mount: Flexible Extension (900° Max)

45° Bend
90° Bend

To order, specify catalog number, A length, B length

For dual elements, add prefix “D” to catalog number

Terminal Style Straight 45° Bend 90° Bend
Flex Hose S. S. Overbraid Flex Hose S. S. Overbraid Flex Hose S. S. Overbraid
1 BC1518-1 BC1518-84 BC1518-2 BC1518-85 BC1518-3 BC1518-86
2 BC1518-4 BC1518-87 BC1518-5 BC1518-88 BC1518-6 BC1518-89
3 BC1518-7 BC1518-90 BC1518-8 BC1518-91 BC1518-9 BC1518-92

Injection Molding Nozzle Type (900° Max)

Terminal Style Not In-Melt Thermocouple
1 BC1548-1
2 BC1548-2
3 BC1548-3
To order, specify catalog number and B length.